Monday, November 7, 2011

"I fell right through the cracks and now I am trying to get back"

So here are my whereabouts since my last post...:)

 No reason for this picture.. doesn't it look yummy!?

Thursday I went to school. First class of the day is my hospitality management course and I was the "Back of House" employee for my fellow students Thai luncheon. They did such a wonderful job! The decorations were gorgeous and the food was delicious...especially the soup... I made it by the way ;). My merchandising course was cancelled so I went to an earlier section of my educational technology course (my teacher is so sweet for letting me do this.. keeps me off the road late at night). I truly enjoyed my day of classes on Thursday. I came back to Elizabeth City with a full car to unload (still getting random miscellaneous items to the new place). JJ and I went to our favorite new place, Andy's Pancake and Steakhouse for dinner since it was too late to cook. I got the country fried steak with mashed potatoes and gravy with a side of (my number one favorite fried food...) fried okra! This day was a huge success! Friday I went to pay the rent and send off some thank you cards from the wedding... still working on trickling them all out! You know what they say, slow and steady wins the race? I'm just going to keep believe this. I did some chores around the house and made the most delicious soup.. the same one from the luncheon! I will be posting pictures and instructions after I post this blog so check it out! Saturday we went and did some errands and discovered the neatest fabric store.. it is called "Quilts & More" here in Elizabeth City. It was out in the country and I thought I had typed in the wrong address. When we arrived, it was a store set in a house! Each room had different fabrics and one of the rooms was for sewing classes. We were immediately greeted by the store owner (who was celebrating her 60th birthday) and given plates of food! We ended up sitting and talking with everyone for about two hours! When we finally got home, we caught up on "The Walking Dead" and "American Horror Story" (I LOVE scary stuff!). Sunday we went to the early church service and they were continuing their segment on the four chapters in The Book of Ruth. I can honestly say since I was little, this is the first time I have actually looked this closely at the Bible. It tends to confuse me but I am learning as I go and am enjoying this process. We went to Andy's (again..sad, I know but it is so cheap and so, so good!) and JJ went to play disc golf and I worked on some school assignments. I watched my Desperate Housewives and JJ and I had a bake off to see who could make the best Rice Krispy treats.. (I believe IIII won....). Now, JJ is off to work and I am waiting for the electrician to come and install some base board heat so drinks don't freeze on my counters this winter!

I am actually going to be making some fabric pumpkins later this afternoon.. here is what they will look like if you are interested in seeing this process:

I will catch up on tutorials/instructions when I get back to Greenville.. when I am here in Elizabeth City, I want to spend time with JJ and the doggies!

Here is a link to a lesson I am doing on Wednesday at my internship:


P.S. The title is from the Jason Mraz song "I'm Yours". JJ's Uncle Curt played this on his acoustic guitar when I was walking down the aisle... ahhhhh what an absolutely perfect day! <3

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